Photography Method (Other Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
The Photography Section of the Dolores Archaeological Program implemented a system for organizing the large volume of photographic material generated during the 1979 field and laboratory operations. This system involved the aquisition of photographic information and the integration of that information, via computer-aided storage and retrieval mechanisms, into the general project data bank. The Photography Section also explored two remote-sensing methods, including biped and component mapper...
Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-071: Photography - 1980 (1983)
This report describes the activities of the Dolores Archaeological Program Photography Group during the 1980 analysis year (1 May 1980 through 30 April 1981) and documents changes in the photography system that occurred during that period. A total of 889 person-days was expended during the reporting period by the Photography Group. A total of 225 rolls of film were exposed on fieldwork subjects, and 193 rolls of film were exposed in the production of laboratory photographs. A new graphic catalog...