Cultural Landscapes (Other Keyword)

1-25 (25 Records)

2006 DoD Cultural Resources Workshop Proceedings (Legacy 06-294)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams

This project resulted in the 2006 DoD Cultural Resources Workshop.

611th Air Support Group Resources
PROJECT Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Project metadata for resources within the 611th Air Support Group cultural heritage resources collection.

Aerial Remote Sensing For Documenting Fur Trade ‘Cultural Landscapes’ (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only J. Scott Hamilton.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Remote Sensing in Historical Archaeology (General Sessions)" , at the 2021 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Fur trade posts have long been a focus for Canadian historical archaeology, specifically the compounds that were central to European occupation and commerce.  This has constrained interpretation of surrounding hinterlands, and archaeological recognition of Indigenous presence and role. While these shortcomings have...

Cottage Clusters and Community Engagement: Collaborative Investigations of Multiscalar Social Relations in 19th Century Clachans, Co. Mayo, Ireland (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Deb Rotman.

Human experiences are inscribed in the landscape. Indeed, the built environment has been so strongly modified by human agency that the resulting landscape is a synthesis of natural and cultural elements. Cottage clusters, known as clachans, were critical components of the landscape in the west of Ireland prior to the Great Famine. Yet this site type has been almost completely ignored in historical, archaeological, and architectural studies of the region. As a Fulbright US Scholar, I am engaged...

Cultural Landscape Assessment for the San Luis Valley-Taos Plateau (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Konnie Wescott. Angie Krall. Brian Fredericks.

In support of the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM’s) recent shift toward a regional landscape-scale approach to resource management on public lands, Argonne National Laboratory is conducting a pilot cultural landscape assessment in the San Luis Valley–Taos Plateau region of Colorado and New Mexico. The cultural landscape assessment is a paradigm shift from looking at individual cultural resource locations on a project-by-project basis to a more holistic approach of land use patterns at a...

Cultural Landscape Studies Help Match Cultural Resource Identification and Assessment Efforts to Undertaking Size and Complexity in the Section 106 Process
PROJECT John Welch.

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act requires United States federal agencies and their applicants to consider historic properties affected by their proposed actions. Guided principally by architectural historians and archaeologists through the 1980s, Section 106 reviews focused on identifying discrete structures and sites, then evaluating these in terms of dominant society aesthetics, histories, and sciences. By the 1990s, Section 106 participation by consulting Tribes and other...

Cultural Landscapes in Exodus: The Natchez Fort in Central Louisiana (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David J Watt.

This paper considers the Natchez, who in the mid-1700s, were disconnected from their traditional homeland in Western Mississippi. The Natchez shielded their community from the French in an ancestral landscape that is critical to understanding the processes of change and creation of place and cultural landscapes at the Natchez Fort site. The location of the fort in a well defended region was key for seclusion and military defense. But this tactical decision to entrench themselves on the bluffs...

Cultural Landscapes: Rural Historic Districts in the National Park System (1984)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Robert Z. Melnick. Daniel Sponn. Emma Jane Saxe.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

Cultural Resources Toolkit for Marine Protected Area Managers (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Valerie J Grussing.

In marine protected area (MPA) planning and management, cultural resources are often undervalued, misinterpreted, or overlooked. However, cultural resources and the cultural heritage they embody offer dynamic opportunities for improving outcomes in nearly every MPA. Whether preserving fish stocks, saving habitat, or protecting archaeological sites, MPAs themselves are a new facet in the cultural heritage of a nation committed to maintaining and improving its human connections with the marine...

Daily Practices and the Creation of Cultural Landscapes in Amazonia (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Morgan Schmidt. Anne Rapp Py-Daniel. Marcos Pereira Magalhães. Helena Lima. Vera Guapindaia.

Short-term, small-scale interactions between humans and the environment may result in profound transformations of that environment over time. Recent archaeological research in Amazonia has revealed the extent that daily practices, such as refuse disposal or cultivation, have modified the soil in the vicinity of ancient and modern settlements. The fertile anthropic soil known as terra preta, formed mainly through the discard of refuse around habitation areas, is an example of how quotidian...

Decolonizing Landscapes: Documenting culturally important areas collaboratively with tribes (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Valerie J Grussing.

The Characterizing Tribal Cultural Landscapes project outlines a proactive approach to working with indigenous communities to identify tribally significant places, in advance of proposed undertakings. A collaborative effort among BOEM, NOAA, tribal facilitators, and the THPOs of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde in Oregon, Yurok Tribe in California, and Makah Tribe in Washington, we use a holistic cultural landscape approach to model methods and best practices for agencies and tribes to...

Establishing Community: Post-Civil War Placemaking in Rural Tennessee (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Zada Law. Susan Knowles. Ken Middleton.

This is an abstract from the "Working on the 19th-Century" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. In the 1860s, African Americans sought to create separate physical spaces and cultural institutions of their own, specifically churches, cemeteries, and schools. Tennessee State Historian Dr. Carroll Van West has hypothesized that the nexus of these institutions, as well as fraternal lodges and businesses, was the basis for early African American community...

Excavating Emotion on a Maryland Plantation (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Megan M. Bailey.

Due to their ephemeral, intangible nature, affect and emotion are difficult to capture and interpret from the archaeological record. However, to be human, feel emotion, and interact with one’s environment is a common experience that connects people across space and time; therefore, presenting affect and emotion is a powerful means of connecting people to the past. This paper uses a 18th-19th c. plantation context to explore the importance of sense perception, materiality, and the landscape to...

Honshu’s Pre-Agricultural Landscapes: Perspectives from Mt. Fuji and Toyama Bay (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher Gillam. Junzo Uchiyama. Mark Hudson. Carlos Zeballos.

Pre-agricultural Japan experienced significant changes in its cultural and natural landscapes over some 30 millennia of human habitation and modification (ca. 34,000 to 2,300 calendar years BP). As an extensive period witnessing fundamental environmental and cultural changes, the pre-agricultural era was dynamic, with sub-periods of relative stability punctuated by episodes of rapid change in lifestyle, material culture, and environmental and cultural setting. This research compares and...

Household Archaeology on the Northern Channel Islands of the Santa Barbara Coast, California (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lynn Gamble. Brian Barbier.

House depressions are visible at many archaeological sites on the Northern Channel Islands, including some that are thousands of years old, yet household archaeology is a topic that is often overlooked in the region. Documenting the number, size, location, and layout of house depressions can help in understanding past settlement strategies, access to resources, the emergence of cultural complexity, demography, cultural landscapes, environmental change, and craft specialization, among other...

Interpreting Communities in Conflict: Utilizing Captain Johann Ewald’s Journal as a Lens to Analyze the Paoli Battlefield (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthew A. Kalos.

Upon arriving at Head of Elk, Maryland, General William Howe led his British and Hessian forces on a march through the Mid-Atlantic colonies on a quest to capture Philadelphia.  Hessian jaeger Captain Johann Ewald documented the march, the engagements, and the litany of individuals he encountered during the Philadelphia Campaign.  Utilizing his journal as a unit of analysis, this paper seeks to understand the diversity of individuals and groups that played a role in the Philadelphia Campaign. ...

Intimate Landscapes: Scale and Space in Household Archaeology (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kevin Fogle.

The term intimate landscape is used by photographers to refer to images that capture small portions of broad scenic landscapes while illustrating their interconnectedness. I argue that the intimate landscape concept offers historical archaeologists a useful approach for interpreting discrete landscapes in and around dwelling sites. These household landscapes are dynamic spaces connected to diverse discourses at the individual, local, regional, and global scales. Drawing on examples from slave...

Jemez Oral Traditions and Ancestral Landscpaes (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Barry Price Steinbrecher. Paul Tosa.

Ethnographic research with cultural advisors and research partners from the Pueblo of Jemez on fire ecology, use of plant resources, and landscape within the Jemez Mountains in northern New Mexico reveals significant ongoing connections to Jemez ancestral places. The ancestral places within the Jemez Province that archaeologists define primarily through the distribution of Jemez Black-on-white ceramics, which dates between approximately A.D. 1250 to A.D.1750, reflect an intensively occupied...

Landscapes of Oblivion: Forgetting burial grounds and placing the past (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only James A Moore.

Forgetting is a cultural act.  Memories of burial grounds do not fade away bleached by time.  This paper explores the anthropology of forgetting: examining the role of burial grounds as meaningful places in cultural landscapes. The materiality of the burial grounds gives presence to descent, kinship, sodality and the generational transfer of wealth and property.  The eighteenth-century Moore-Jackson burial ground is such a place.  Over generations, Moore burial markers were placed to memorialize...

Multispectral Photogrammetry of Cultural Landscapes on the Northern Plains from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Platforms (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Leslie J. Amundson. Kevin Grover. Margaret Kennedy. Brian Reeves. Grant Wiseman.

As early adopters of technology, especially for creating accurate maps, archaeologists have been using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to discover and record archaeological features, landscapes and excavations since they became commercially available. This project tested the use of visual (RGB), near-infrared (NIR) and thermal sensors mounted on UAV platforms (fixed wing and multi-rotor) to discover and record archaeological features in their landscape context with georeferenced, high resolution...

The Nature of Place: Changing Mortuary Traditions During the Contact Period (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David Watt.

Community and identity among Mississippian communities were centered on cultural landscapes; reified by monumentality and complex political economies, regional interaction, and mortuary traditions. The transition at the end of the Mississippian period is marked by regional collapse, migration, diaspora, and ideological shifts. There is also a re-imagining of complex religious and sociopolitical structures, creation of new cultural landscapes, and re-conceptualization of collective traditions....

Perspectives in Landscapes - Paper (Legacy 06-294) (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cari Goetcheus.

A paper on cultural landscapes and DoD presented at the 2006 DoD Cultural Resources Workshop.

Preservation Briefs #36 - Protecting Cultural Landscapes: Planning, Treatment and Management of Historic Landscapes (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Charles A. Birnbaum.

Preservation Recommendations, treatment, and management of cultural and historic landscapes from the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service.

A Sediment Story: Anthropological and Environmental Continuity and Change along the Hudson River Estuary (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lucy Gill. Dorothy Peteet.

Wetlands have a long history of anthropogenic influence due to their proximity to watersheds, traditionally optimal localities for human settlement. Sediment stratigraphy from these ecosystems is an important source of paleoecological data, as they experience high depositional rates and, due to their anoxic environments, preserve organic material. Humans have acted upon one such watershed, the Hudson River Estuary, since the Paleo-Indian Period (10,500-8000 BCE) and have been a keystone species...

Supplemental Materials Tables for Cultural Landscape Studies Help Match Cultural Resource Identification and Assessment Efforts Article (2024)
DATASET John Welch. Michael Spears. Sean O'Meara. Katie Portman. Alex Binford-Walsh.

Supplemental Material Tables for the Advances in Archaeological Practice article entitled Cultural Landscape Studies Help Match Cultural Resource Identification and Assessment Efforts to Undertaking Size and Complexity in the Section 106 Process