AZ EE:1:2 (ASM) (Site Name Keyword)
1-1 (1 Record)
Archaeological Testing at AZ EE:1:2 and :218 (ASM), "Frick's Sahuarita Sites" and "John Brown's Homestead Site", Rancho Sahuarita, Town of Sahuarita, Arizona (2001)
This report details the field, documentary research, and analysis results of archaeological testing at Rancho Sahuarita sites 2 and 218, and recommends data recovery at both sites in accordance with the Rancho Sahuarita Archaeological Research Guidelines. At prehistoric Site 2, six subsurface features indicate at least three activity areas within a large surficial artifact scatter. In addition to a subsurface feature, a pair of large stone tools (metate and mortar) were found on the surface in...