AZ BB:9:338 (ASM) (Site Name Keyword)

1-1 (1 Record)

Results of NRHP Eligibility Testing at AZ BB:9:262/338 (ASM) for Meritage Homes’ Kai 291 North Development in Oro Valley, Pima County, Arizona (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Suzanne Griset.

Meritage Homes (Meritage) proposes to construct a residential subdivision in the town of Oro Valley (Town), north of Tucson, Arizona. One recorded site, AZ BB:9:262/338 (ASM), is located in the northeastern portion of the proposed Kai 291 North project area. Lucas (2014) recommended that the site be tested for its eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historical Places (NRHP). The Town required that Meritage assess the eligibility of the site and include the results in its...