AZ BB:9:44 (ASM) (Site Name Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
Excavations by the Institute for American Research at the Tanque Verde Wash site (AZ BB: 13:68 [ASM]) uncovered a nearly complete segment of a single component Middle Rincon subphase (A.D. 1000-1100) hamlet. The site was located along Tanque Verde Wash, the largest permanent drainage within the eastern Tucson Basin. Nineteen pithouses, three trash mounds, and 66 extramural features were recovered within a 2500 square meter area, The excavation methodology, which involved the complete excavation...
Archaeological Site Significance Evaluations for Cienega Ventana Project (1984)
At the sponsorship of Cienega Properties, Inc., the Institute for American Research has conducted investigations on archaeological sites located on the Cienega Ventana project area, a 300-acre land parcel located in the northeastern Tucson basin, Arizona. The sites, which contain both Archaic and Hohokam cultural materials, have been designated AZ BB:9:44, AZ BB.9.73, A Z BB:9:91, and A Z BB:9:143 by the Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona.