AZ T:12:52(ASM) (Site Name Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
This report documents the results of archaeological testing and monitoring activities completed by Desert Archaeology, Inc., along the course of two City of Phoenix waterline projects: WS85500146 and WS85500143. The work was initiated due to the possibility archaeological remains could be encountered during construction of the waterline(s). As part of the City's planning and design process, Soil Systems, Inc., performed cultural resources surveys of the proposed waterline alignments (Ellis...
Preliminary Report of Findings: Archaeological Phase I Data Recovery at AZ T:12:52(ASM) in the Area of Potential Effects of the South Mountain Freeway Construction (2016)
WestLand Resources, Inc. (WestLand), recently completed Phase I archaeological data recovery investigations at AZ T:12:52(ASM), known as Pueblo del Alamo, within the South Mountain Freeway (SMF) (Figure 1) Area of Potential Effects (APE) (Figure 2). This report presents the preliminary documentation of the fieldwork findings at AZ T:12:52(ASM) pursuant to Stipulation 6 of the Programmatic Agreement executed for this project July 21, 2015). It includes a summary of the findings and a discussion...