AZ BB:13:1 (ASM) (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Archaeological Excavations at a Small Portion of the Zanardelli Site, AZ BB:13:1 (ASM), in the Southern Tucson Basin: Phase 2 Data Recovery along Tucson Water's Alternate Route 2, Nogales Highway (U.S. 89), Pima County, Arizona (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mark D. Elson. Deborah L. Swartz.

The Zanardelli site, AZ BB:13:1 (ASM), is a large, Classic period (A.D. 1150-1450) Hohokam platform mound village situated in the southern Tucson Basin. The site has been known to the archaeological community since 1929. Since that time, portions of it have undergone archaeological survey and excavation. To date, including the current project, archaeological investigations have identified 154 prehistoric cultural features at the site. Recovered feature types include: 2 pithouses, 19 adobe-walled...

Archaeological Excavations at the Zanardelli Site, AZ BB:13:1 (ASM) (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

In this report, the results of archaeological data recovery at the Zanardelli site, AZ BB:13:1 (ASM), south of Tucson, Pima County, Arizona, are detailed. The archaeological work was done in advance of a City of Tucson water project. Observations recorded by A. V. Kidder on a 1934 site card note that a great house with small mounds in close association were present at Zanardelli. Kidder also noted that the site was "Cut through by highway and mostly destroyed." While little evidence of the adobe...