26NY1729 (Site Name Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
The Fairbanks Spring Site (26NY1729), located in Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in Armagosa Valley was sampled for pollen to provide subsistence information. The site contains evidence of prehistoric, Virgin Anasazi and Southern Paiute, and historic occupation. Artifact scatters of fire-cracked rocks and areas with midden soils, as well as a possible pit structure, an occupational surface, and an historic dugout were noted. Pollen samples were collected for analysis from the modern...
A Prehistoric Context for Southern Nevada (2012)
The document was developed to assist land managers and cultural resource custodians in evaluating the significance of prehistoric archaeological sites under the requirement of the National Historic Preservation Act and other federal laws and regulations. In the intervening 30 years, southern Nevada has been one of the nation’s fastest growing population centers. This explosive urban expansion has resulted in the recording of thousands of prehistoric sites and the excavation of hundreds of these.