26NY4759 (Site Name Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
The Department of Energy (DOE) requested the Desert Research Institute (DRI) to perform an archaeological survey of sixteen EG&G Deer Forage Plot locations within the Yucca Mountain Project area. The size of the individual study plot area is 50 meters in radius. Six of the proposed study locations were determined to lie within previously surveyed areas which had been cleared of archaeological sites. The remaining ten proposed study locations (Figures 1-5) were surveyed and determined to be...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Yucca Wash, Sever Wash, Fortymile Wash and Portions of Tonopah Wash and Fortymile Canyon for USGS Flood Chasing Activities, Yucca Mountain Project Area, Nye County, Nevada (1992)
The work described in this report was initiated in response to a request from the Yucca Mountain Project Office dated April 8, 1991 to conduct a pre activity survey for United States Geological survey {USGS) Flood Chasing Activity (91-017a). A cultural resources reconnaissance of approximately 196 miles of wash bottoms to be accessed by the USGS using all-terrain vehicles (ATV's) was requested. The USGS proposes to travel up the washes during and after precipitation events in order to determine...