26NY5724 (Site Name Keyword)
1-4 (4 Records)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct a facility, designated P-49, on the Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (Figure 1). The Desert Research Institute (DRI) was tasked to conduct a cultural resources reconnaissance for the proposed facility. The area of survey included a square pad next to an existing powerline and access road. The area was surveyed for cultural resources by parallel, pedestrian transects spaced about 30 m (100 ft) apart. The cultural resources reconnaissance found no...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Proposed P-47a Facility and Powerline, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1995)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct a second facility, designated P-47a, north of the existing P-47 facility on top of HIII 5626 and place an underground powerline from the existing P-4 7 facility to an existing powerline at the bottom of the hill. The top of the hill and the powerline route were inspected for cultural resources. One cultural resource, site 26NY9313, was found, but it is not recommended to be eligible to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The project will have...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Proposed P-49 Fiber Optic Line, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1995)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct an underground fiber optic line to the P-49 facility. The proposed route is from the existing P-4 7 fiber optic line at the south base of HIII 5626, follows along a two-track road circling the hIII to a transformer at the east base of the hIII, and then along an existing powerline to the P-49 facility. The reconnaissance consisted of two parallel transects following along the route around the hIII. The section from the transformer to the P-49 facility was...
A Synthesis of Archaeological Inventories in the Mancamp Zone Nevada Test & Training Range, Nevada (2009)
Inventory reports for construction of support facilities for lodging for 5,000 Stealth mission-related project workers and for associated rights-of-way between the habitation compound, called Mancamp, and the Area 10 Operations Center, a total of 375 acres, surveyed from 1983 to 1988, were authorized for release in 2009. The Area of Potential Effect is referenced as the Mancamp Zone. Seventeen sites, all lithic scatters, were recorded. No diagnostics were found. Tcwelve were small sites not...