26NY9123 (Site Name Keyword)
1-8 (8 Records)
Nellis Air Force Range archaeological sites are compared with Bureau of Land Management sites in southwestern Nevada based on data collected from site records and site visits. Of 105 sample sites, 86 were evaluated based only on site forms. Nineteen sites were visited; four were examined in detail. Data showed a trend towards NAFR sites being less disturbed and in better condition. NAFR has more sites in “excellent” condition than BLM; the proportion of disturbed BLM sites is greater than NAFR...
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Proposed TPK-38 Facility, Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range, Nye County, Nevada (1996)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct a 60 x 60 m (200 x 200 ft) facility pad, designated TPK-38, on the Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range (TPECR) to house the existing S13 radar unit now located at TPK-6 (Figure 1). The moving of this unit is necessary because of the congestion around the existing TPK-6 facility pad due to the recent construction of TPK-40 (see Drollinger 1995, Pippin 1995b). Two alternative locations have been proposed for the TPK-38 facility pad.
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the TP2-l CE Storage Area, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct a 30 x 134 m (100 x 440 ft) pad for the TP2-1 CE materials storage yard on the Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range (TPECR) (Figure 1). The Desert Research Institute (DRI) conducted a cultural resources reconnaissance of the proposed project area. The area of potential effect (APE), approximately .5 hectares (1.2 acres), was inspected for cultural resources by parallel, pedestrian transects spaced 30 m (100 ft) apart. No cultural resources were identified...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the TPK-49 Bypass Road Improvement, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
The Desert Research Institute was tasked to conduct a cultural resources reconnaissance of the proposed project area. The planned undertaking involves widening an existing 4.5 m (15 ft) wide two-track dirt road, the emplacement of two culverts, and the burial of a surface-laid fiber optic line along side the road. The area of potential effect (APE), approximately 4.1 hectares (10.1 acres), was inspected for cultural resources by a pair of linear transects covering a 30 m (100 ft) wide right-of...
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the TPK-58 Facility and Cable Tray, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1996)
The Desert Research Institute (DRI) was tasked to conduct cultural resources reconnaissances of the proposed project area. The area of potential effect (APE), approximately 1.5 hectares, was inspected for cultural resources by parallel, pedestrian transects spaced about 30 m (100 ft) apart. The cultural resources reconnaissance found one lithic scatter (26NY9844), consisting of two obsidian core reduction flakes, and an isolated rock cairn (26NY9845). Neither of these two localities are...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of a Proposed Fiber Optic System for Tolicha Peak, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1995)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct a fiber optic system for the Tolicha Peak area on the Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada. The project involves new facilities and buried fiber optic lines between these and existing facilities (Figures 1 a-1 c) . The proposed routes of the lines and areas for the new facilities have been inspected for cultural resources by Desert Research Institute (DRI). The investigation recorded 25 archaeological sites and 14 isolated artifacts. Nine of the...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of a Proposed Fiber Optic System for Tolicha Peak, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1995)
The investigation recorded 25 archaeological sites and 14 isolated artifacts. Eight of the sites are recommended to be considered eligible to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The routes of the fiber lines and facility locations would be changed to avoid each of these sites, or placed in already disturbed areas within the sites. In this manner potential adverse effects from construction activities to these historic properties would be avoided.
Class III Cultural Resources Surveys For a Proposed Expansion of Systems and Utility lines on The Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1995)
Surveys within approximately 32.9 hectares (81.45 acres) around this proposed disturbance, including several alternative sites for facility placement, failed to locate any new cultural resources, but did help to clarify and redefine the significance of three previously identified cultural resources (26NY8618; 26NY9123 and 26NY9127). All three of these properties are recommended to be eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) as historic properties and should be...