26NY1919 (Site Name Keyword)

1-1 (1 Record)

Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of a Drill Pad and Skid Trail for Drill hole U20AM (1982)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lonnie C. Pippin. Ronald L. Reno.

A preconstruction survey conducted at Drill Pad U20ab disclosed a large lithic scatter (26Ny9S2) adjacent to that pad. Concomitantly, the reconnaissance of a 1 km square sample unite (A2a-140), located approximately 2 km from the proposed U20am Drill Pad, disclosed four archaeological sites (26Ny1912, 26Ny1914, 26Ny1918 and 26Ny1919) that may reflect the remains of pinyon nut caches; five separate concentrations of lithic artifacts (26Ny1913, 26Ny1915, 26Ny1916, 26Ny1917 and 26Ny1920) and...