Jupiter Missile Crash Site (Site Name Keyword)
1-7 (7 Records)
This article provides a brief background discussion on the Cold War and the Jupiter missile program, introduces the reader to the emerging field of aerospace archaeology, and then discusses the Jupiter Missile Crash site.
Aerospace Archaeology: A Discipline for the 21st Century-Examples from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida (2013)
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, November 2011, Jacksonville, Florida (revised 2013).
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Resources
Project metadata for resources within the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station cultural heritage resources collection.
A Cultural Resources Assessment Survey for the New Space X Hangar Complex, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida (2013)
SpaceX obtained approval and modified existing LC-40 at CCAFS in Florida. The successful inaugural launch of the Falcon 9 from LC-40 occurred on June 4, 2010. SpaceX's future plans include launching a "heavy" vehicle from LC-40. In order to accommodate the new vehicle, expansion of the launch complex is required. Jn support of the proposed expansion to LC-40 the 45 SW CRM conducted a cultural resources assessment survey of the project area. The survey was conducted in June through August 2013....
A Cultural Resources Assessment Survey of the Jupiter Missile Crash Site (8BR2087), Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida (2010)
In February 2007, the 45 Space Wing Cultural Resources Manager ( 45 SW CRM) was conducting research on Land Management Unit 136 (LMU 136) for a future archaeological survey. In the course of that investigation information was uncovered regarding the crash site of a Jupiter missile within the proposed project area. It was decided to conduct an archaeological survey in an attempt to relocate and record the missile crash site due to it being 50 years old and possibly eligible for listing in the...
Presentations on the Jupiter Crash Site (1998)
Presentation overview of the Jupiter Missile Crash Site.
SHPO correspondence on the Jupiter Crash Site (2010)
SHPO correspondence and documents relating to the Jupiter Crash Site.