Building S-129 (Site Name Keyword)
1-4 (4 Records)
Letter from the NM HPD requesting Cannon AFB consider new uses for Building S-129, as the installation is rapidly using its World War II and Cold War era cultural resources.
Cannon Air Force Base Cultural Resources
Project metadata for resources within the Cannon Air Force Base cultural heritage resources collection.
Documentation of Building S-129 Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico (2000)
The documentation of Building S-129, located on Cannon Air force Base, New Mexico, was conducted to determine the nature and extent of significance of the structure, Building S-129, a standard World War II aircraft hangar derives its significance from the long-span vaulted wooden trusses used in its construction. Geo-Marine, Inc., conducted this work under Contract No. DACA63-99-D-OOIO with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District, between March 2000 and July 2000. The architectural...
Memorandum for Record: Notes From Meeting with New Mexico SHPO on Demolition of Building S-129 (2000)
Meetings notes from a meeting between Cannon AFB and the NM SHPO regarding the demolition of Building S-129.