Galena Airport (Site Name Keyword)
1-3 (3 Records)
Project metadata for resources within the 611th Air Support Group cultural heritage resources collection.
Archaeological Survey of Ten Installations of the 611th Air Support Group, Alaska Phase I, Summer 1998 (2001)
During May through August of 1998, ten 611th Air Support Group (611 ASG) installations covering a total of 12,210 acres were inventoried for archaeological remains. These installations included: Anvil Mountain Radio Relay Station (RRS), Cape Lisburne Long-Range Radar Site (LRRS), Cape Newenham LRRS, Cape Romanzof LRRS, Fort Yukon LRRS, Galena Airport, Kotzebue LRRS, Murphy Dome LRRS, Sparrevohn LRRS, and Tin City LRRS. Archaeological remains were documented at Cape Lisburne and Tin City, and a...
Traditional Land Use Survey Characterizations for Remote Air Force Facilities in Alaska (2004)
The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of known subsistence information from areas adjacent to 611 ASG sites. In this report, 33 remote Air Force facilities and 51 associated communities are described in terms of setting, history of the facility and communities, demography, socioeconomics and subsistence. Subsistence topics that are discussed for each community include the role and importance of subsistence to the communities, the seasonal/annual round of subsistence activities;...