Granite Mountain RRS (Site Name Keyword)
1-3 (3 Records)
Project metadata for resources within the 611th Air Support Group cultural heritage resources collection.
Archaeological Survey of Twelve Installations of the 611th Air Support Group, Alaska Summer 1999 (1999)
During June–September 1999, twelve United States Air Force (USAF) 611th Air Support Group (611 ASG) installations in Alaska were inventoried for archaeological remains. These installations, covering a total of 5,551 hectares (ha) (13,718 acres), included: Barter Island Long Range Radar Site (LRRS), Kalakaket Creek RRS, Bear Creek Radio Relay Station (RRS), King Salmon Airport, Big Mountain RRS, Nikolski RRS, Cold Bay LRRS, Pillar Mountain RRS,Granite Mountain RRS, Point Lay LRRS, and Indian...
Summary of PRSC Installations Addressed in the Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan and Natural Resources Considerations (2020)
A summary table from the Pacific Regional Support Center installations that were addressed in the 2020 Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan and Natural Resources Considerations.