Dillard Site (Site Name Keyword)

451-475 (1,553 Records)

5MT10647, Photo #18767, Plan view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Postexcavation photo of Hearth 1. Surface 1, 2-x-1-m unit 1380N 477E.

5MT10647, Photo #18768, Plan view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Detail of oxidized rind associated with Hearth 1. Surface 1, 2-x-1-m unit 1380N 477E.

5MT10647, Photo #18770, Plan view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Hearth 1 post excavation. Surface 1, 2-x-1-m unit 1380N 477E.

5MT10647, Photo #18781, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Cascade of six courses of rock into the Great Kiva. Stratum 5 Level 2, 2-x-2-m unit 1406N 487E.

5MT10647, Photo #18783, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Profile of cascade of six courses of stone on west side of Great Kiva. Stratum 5, 2-x-2-m unit 1406N 487E.

5MT10647, Photo #18788, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Profile showing dark burned soil in east wall of unit above reddish stain. A sherd is present in the profile to the left of the stain. 3-x-1-m unit 1383N 500E.

5MT10647, Photo #18795, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Burned beam and ash pocket just below the rock collapse. Stratum 5 Level 2, 3-x-1-m unit 1408N 493E (south of trench).

5MT10647, Photo #18804, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Stratigraphic profile in the Great Kiva.

5MT10647, Photo #18805, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Wall fall in the Great Kiva.

5MT10647, Photo #18813, Plan view, feature before excavation (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Posthole 6 beofre excavation. Surface 1, 3-x-1-m unit 1384N 486E.

5MT10647, Photo #18816, Plan view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Posthole 6 after excavation. Surface 1, 3-x-1-m unit 1384N 486E.

5MT10647, Photo #18817, Plan view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Feature 2 after excavation. The bottom of the feature appears dirty from smudging of brush, but is actually white caliche-rich sediment. Surface 1, northeast quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18826, Plan view, final excavation photo (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Final excavation photo in 1-x1-m unit 1374N 469E showing caliche-rich sediment (Stratum 3) characteristic of this area. Gray stains are a rodent run.

5MT10647, Photo #18828, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Stratigraphic profile of north wall, 1-x--1-m unit 1374N 469E.

5MT10647, Photo #18829, Plan view, final excavation photo (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Final excavation photo in 1-x-1-m unit 1376N 471E showing window to confirm sterility. The dark circular stain is from a tree.

5MT10647, Photo #18831, Plan view, final excavation photo (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Final excavation photo in 1-x-1-m unit 1376N 471E showing window to confirm sterility.

5MT10647, Photo #18832, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Stratigraphic profile of south wall, 1-x-1-m unit 1376N 471E. Shows midden and redeposited native sediment overlying the caliche layer.

5MT10647, Photo #18835, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Profile showing cultural fill adjacent to the north wall of the main chamber. The true pithouse walls are to the left and right in the photo. Northwest quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18836, Plan view, final excavation photo (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Sterile preoccupational loess underlying Block 300 midden. Stratum 3, 1-x-1-m unit 1428N 518E.

5MT10647, Photo #18840, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Stratigraphic profile of west wall in 1-x-1-m unit 1428N 518E, showing shallow midden deposit in Block 300 midden unit.

5MT10647, Photo #18842, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Stratigraphic profile of north wall in 1-x-1-m unit 1432N 511E, showing possible construction material under midden sediment. Season closing photo.

5MT10647, Photo #18843, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Stratigraphic profile of west wall, 1-x-1-m unit 1432N 511E. Shows possible construction material in west wall of unit. Photo taken to document profile at the end of the 2012 field season.

5MT10647, Photo #18844, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Stratigraphic profile of south wall, 1-x-1-m unit 1432N 511E. Shows possible construction material in south wall. Photo taken to document profile at the end of the 2012 season.

5MT10647, Photo #18846, Plan view, feature before excavation (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Feature 20 before excavation, Surface 1, northwest quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18850, Plan view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Feature 20 after excavation, Surface 1, northwest quadrant.