Windrow Ruin (Site Name Keyword)

26-42 (42 Records)

5MT3890, Photo #20245, Scenic photo (2013)
IMAGE Amanda Hernandez.

Site overview, west berm.

5MT3890, Photo #20246, Scenic photo (2013)
IMAGE Amanda Hernandez.

Site overview, showing site pole on east end of site near path and depression (possibly a small pitstructure) between berms.

5MT3890, Photo #20247, Scenic photo (2013)
IMAGE Amanda Hernandez.

Site overview. East berm with site pole in center.

5MT3890, Photo #20248, Scenic photo (2013)
IMAGE Amanda Hernandez.

Site overview. Western berm looking towards large pitstructure depression.

5MT3890, Photo #20249, Scenic photo (2013)
IMAGE Amanda Hernandez.

Site overview. View from western berm.

5MT3890, Photo #20250, Scenic photo (2013)
IMAGE Amanda Hernandez.

Edge of west berm.

5MT3890, Photo #20251, Scenic photo (2013)
IMAGE Amanda Hernandez.

West berm with looters' pits. Dillard house and site tents in background.

5MT3890, Photo #20252, Plan view (2013)
IMAGE Amanda Hernandez.

Looters' pit in west berm.

5MT3890, Photo #20253, Scenic photo (2013)
IMAGE Amanda Hernandez.

Northern edge of site. West berm in foreground, Seed Jar and Hansen house in background.

5MT3890, Photo #20254, Other (2013)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Fill from auger probe 68 (structure).

5MT3890, Photo #20255, Other (2013)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Detail of upper fill from auger probe 68. Note burned adobe and bowl sherd.

5MT3890, Photo #20256, Field crew photo (2013)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Anna Dempsey collecting flotation sample.

5MT3890, Photo #20257, Other (2013)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Roomblock fill from auger probe 78.

5MT3890, Photo #20258, Other (2013)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Detail of roomblock fill from auger probe 78.

5MT3890, Photo #20259, Other (2013)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Detail of burned corn from roomblock fill. PD 42, auger probe 53.

5MT3890, Photo #20260, Other (2013)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Detail of burned corn from roomblock fill. PD 42, auger probe 53.

Windrow Ruin
PROJECT Uploaded by: Jim deVos

This project details work by the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center (Crow Canyon) during the Basketmaker Communities Project, a multi-faceted research and public education archaeological initiative undertaken by Crow Canyon from 2011 through 2017. Specifically, this project details work completed at Windrow Ruin, a habitation site dating to the Basketmaker III period. This project contains maps, photos, and associated logs explaining what is depicted on each image.