5MT3890 (Site Name Keyword)
26-42 (42 Records)
Site overview, west berm.
5MT3890, Photo #20246, Scenic photo (2013)
Site overview, showing site pole on east end of site near path and depression (possibly a small pitstructure) between berms.
5MT3890, Photo #20247, Scenic photo (2013)
Site overview. East berm with site pole in center.
5MT3890, Photo #20248, Scenic photo (2013)
Site overview. Western berm looking towards large pitstructure depression.
5MT3890, Photo #20249, Scenic photo (2013)
Site overview. View from western berm.
5MT3890, Photo #20250, Scenic photo (2013)
Edge of west berm.
5MT3890, Photo #20251, Scenic photo (2013)
West berm with looters' pits. Dillard house and site tents in background.
5MT3890, Photo #20252, Plan view (2013)
Looters' pit in west berm.
5MT3890, Photo #20253, Scenic photo (2013)
Northern edge of site. West berm in foreground, Seed Jar and Hansen house in background.
5MT3890, Photo #20254, Other (2013)
Fill from auger probe 68 (structure).
5MT3890, Photo #20255, Other (2013)
Detail of upper fill from auger probe 68. Note burned adobe and bowl sherd.
5MT3890, Photo #20256, Field crew photo (2013)
Anna Dempsey collecting flotation sample.
5MT3890, Photo #20257, Other (2013)
Roomblock fill from auger probe 78.
5MT3890, Photo #20258, Other (2013)
Detail of roomblock fill from auger probe 78.
5MT3890, Photo #20259, Other (2013)
Detail of burned corn from roomblock fill. PD 42, auger probe 53.
5MT3890, Photo #20260, Other (2013)
Detail of burned corn from roomblock fill. PD 42, auger probe 53.
Windrow Ruin
This project details work by the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center (Crow Canyon) during the Basketmaker Communities Project, a multi-faceted research and public education archaeological initiative undertaken by Crow Canyon from 2011 through 2017. Specifically, this project details work completed at Windrow Ruin, a habitation site dating to the Basketmaker III period. This project contains maps, photos, and associated logs explaining what is depicted on each image.