Ridgeline Site (Site Name Keyword)

776-800 (955 Records)

5MT10711, Photo #25127, Plan view, final excavation photo (2017)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Showing feature 23 with feature 25 dug into the base of feature 23 in structure 103.

5MT10711, Photo #25128, Plan view, final excavation photo (2017)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Showing feature 24 on surface 2 in the east half of structure 103.

5MT10711, Photo #25129, Plan view, before excavation (2017)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Showing feature 26 on surface 2 in structure 103 prior to excavation.

5MT10711, Photo #25130, Plan view, feature before excavation (2017)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Showing feature 26 on surface 2 in the east half of structure 103.

5MT10711, Photo #25132, Profile view, stratigraphy (2017)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Showing the profile face of feature 26 on surface 2 in the east half.

5MT10711, Photo #25133, Plan view, final excavation photo (2017)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Showing feature 26 on surface 2 in the east half, with the main support post visable.

5MT10711, Photo #25371, Plan view, final excavation photo (2017)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Showing top of stratum 3 in the east half.

5MT10711, Photo #25372, Plan view, final excavation photo (2017)
IMAGE Rebecca (Becca) Simon.

Showing top of stratum 3 in the east half.

5MT10711, Photo #25373, Plan view, final excavation photo (2017)
IMAGE Rebecca (Becca) Simon.

Showing surface 2 of structure 103 and stratum 3 of structure 101 with field crew for scale.

5MT10711, Photo #25374, Plan view, final excavation photo (2017)
IMAGE Rebecca (Becca) Simon.

Showing surface 2 of structure 103 and stratum 3 of structure 101 with field crew for scale.

5MT10711, Photo #25375, Profile view, stratigraphy (2017)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Showing stratums 1, 2 ,3, surface 1 and 2 in the southern portion of the west face profile.

5MT10711, Photo #25376, Profile view, stratigraphy (2017)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Showing stratums 1, 2 ,3, surface 1 and 2 in the middle portion of the west face profile.

5MT10711, Photo #25377, Profile view, stratigraphy (2017)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Showing stratums 1, 2 ,3, surface 1 and 2 in the northern portion of the west face profile.

5MT10711, Photo #25378, Profile view, feature (2017)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Showing the adobe added to the wall face of structure 103 to remodel feature 1 (bench).

5MT10711, Photo #25379, Profile view, feature (2017)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Showing the adobe added to the wall face of structure 103 to remodel feature 1 (bench).

5MT10711, Photo #25380, Profile view, feature (2017)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Showing the adobe added to the wall face of structure 103 to remodel feature 1 (bench).

5MT10711, Photo #25381, Profile view, feature (2017)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Showing the adobe added to the wall face of structure 103 to remodel feature 1 (bench).

5MT10711, Photo #25382, Profile view, feature (2017)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Showing blackened original wall behind adobe bulk in the east half of structure 103.

5MT10711, Photo #25383, Face view, architecture (2017)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Showing horizontal sockets in door sill under final plaster in the east half of structure 103.

5MT10711, Photo #25384, Face view, architecture (2017)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Showing horizontal sockets in door sill under final plaster in the east half of structure 103.

5MT10711, Photo #25385, Face view, architecture (2017)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Showing feature 2 original construction and the remodeled portion (sill) in the east half of structure 103.

5MT10711, Photo #25386, Face view, architecture (2017)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Showing feature 2 original construction and the remodeled portion (sill) in the east half of structure 103.

5MT10711, Photo #25387, Face view, architecture (2017)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Showing feature 2 original construction and the remodeled portion (sill) in the east half of structure 103.

5MT10711, Photo #25388, Face view, architecture (2017)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Showing feature 2 original construction and the remodeled portion (sill) in the east half of structure 103.

5MT10711, Photo #25389, Face view, architecture (2017)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Showing feature 2 original construction and the remodeled portion (sill) in the east half of structure 103.