AZ P:9:29 (ASM) (Site Name Keyword)

1-4 (4 Records)

S.R. 260 - Payson to Heber Archaeological Project: Plan of Work for the Sharp Creek and Ponderosa Campground Sites (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Sarah A. Herr. Deborah L. Swartz. Mark Elson.

Plan for archaeological investigation in the Sharp Creek and Ponderosa Campground sections of the State Route 260 - Payson to Heber project.

S.R. 260 - Payson to Heber Archaeological Project: Results of Archaeological Testing and a Plan for Data Recovery in the Preacher Canyon Segment and Sharp Creek Campground (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Sarah A. Herr. J. Homer Thiel. Pat Stein.

Results of archaeological testing and data recovery plan for the Preacher Canyon and Sharp Creek sections of the State Route 260 - Payson to Heber project.

State Route 260 - Payson to Heber
PROJECT Arizona Department of Transportation.

Reports from the State Route 260 - Payson to Heber archaeological project, sponsored by the Arizona Department of Transportation.

Their Own Road: Archaeological Investigations along State Route 260 Payson to Heber – Christopher Creek Section and Sharp Creek Campground (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Karina Casey

Archaeological testing and data recovery were conducted at seven prehistoric or multicomponent sites and three historic period linear sites in advance of highway realignment in the Christopher Creek section and Sharp Creek Campground portion of the State Route 260 – Payson to Heber project. The results of the investigations of the seventeen prehistoric, historic, or multicomponent sites are reported in this volume. The results of the archival research on the historic period sites will be...