Priest's Point (Site Name Keyword)

1-4 (4 Records)

Archaeological Investigations at Priest Point, St. Inigoes, Maryland (1992.019) (1983)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael A. Smolek. John D. Lawrence, Jr.. S. Kathleen Pepper.

This resource is the report of archaeology conducted in the vicinity of St. Inigoes Manor House on Priest's Point, Naval Electronics Systems Engineering Activity, St. Inigoes, Maryland prior to the construction of a sewage treatment plant. Three test units and 329 shovel test pits yielded about 7200 artifacts relating to the manor house and an outbuilding identified as an early 19th-century weaver's house. The collection and records are curated at the Maryland Archaeological Conservation...

Archeological Excavations at St. Inigoes Manor House, 18ST87, St. Mary's County, Maryland (1998.037)
PROJECT Department of the Navy.

This project contains resources associated with the 1983 archeological investigations at the St. lnigoes Manor House (18ST87) on Priest's Point, which uncovered the buried foundations of the west wing and central portion adjacent to the east wing ruin. Archeological, historical, and artifactual data are combined to present the appearance, construction, and eventual destruction of this important structure. Finally, suggestions for preservation and interpretation are presented focusing upon the...

Phase I Investigations at Priest Point 18ST87, St. Inigoes MD (1992.019)
PROJECT Michael Smolek. Kathleen Pepper. John Lawrence.

In 1983, a phase I archaeological investigation was conducted on the site known as Priest Point, a former 18th century manor house associated with the Jesuit occupation of St. Inigoes Manor. This site is also located in St. Inigoes Maryland and currently the site of the Naval Electronics Systems Engineering Activity, then a 800-acre facility. The project area was approximately 350 ft by 150 ft, and comprised the area wherein the Navy was planning to construct a new sewage treatment plant. The...

Report: Archeological Excavations at St. Inigoes Manor House, 18ST87, St. Mary's County, Maryland (1998.037) (1984)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Katherine Dinnel.

Report Abstract: ln August 1983, archeologists excavated the buried foundations of the mid-18th century St. lnigoes Manor House site (18ST87) at Priest's Point in southern St. Mary's County, Maryland. Once an imposing sight up and down the St. Mary's River, the Manor House burned in 1872 leaving only portions of the original east wing and the attached 19th century enclosed hyphen and kitchen. St. lnigoes Manor was purchased in 1637 by Father Thomas Copely and was the longest continuously...