12Hu1013 (Site Name Keyword)

1-4 (4 Records)

ROI026, Excavations at the Richardville/LaFontaine House (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Donald R. Cochran.

The ''Richardville'' House (12-Hu-1013), located at the forks of the Wabash River in Huntington, Indiana, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places (Figures 1 & 2) . The house was reportedly built prior to 1850 by either the Miami Chief, Richardville, or his son-in-law, Lafontaine. A non- profit organization, Historic Forks of the Wabash, Inc., has been organized to maintain and develop the property which includes the house. Current plans call for rehabilitation of the house and one...

ROI026, Excavations at the Richardville/LaFontaine House
PROJECT Donald R. Cochran.

This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 026 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. The ''Richardville'' House (12-Hu-1013), located at the forks of the Wabash River in Huntington, Indiana, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places (Figures 1 & 2) . The house was reportedly built prior to 1850 by either the Miami Chief, Richardville, or his son-in-law, Lafontaine. A non- profit organization, Historic Forks of the Wabash, Inc.,...

ROI059, Excavation at the Former Location of the Richardville/LaFontaine House Huntington County, Indiana (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mitchell Zoll. Kari Carmany. Rebecca Sick. Kimberly Zunker.

Archaeological testing at the former location of the Richardville/LaFontaine House recovered 30,000+ historic and prehistoric artifacts and determined that the portion of the site area tested was disturbed. A mean ceramic date of 1891.1 was established for the site and intersite artifact patterning was completed. The artifact patterning confirmed the domestic nature of the site.

ROI059, Excavation at the Former Location of the Richardville/LaFontaine House Huntington County, Indiana
PROJECT Mitchell Zoll. Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 059 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. Archaeological testing at the former location of the Richardville/LaFontaine House recovered 30,000+ historic and prehistoric artifacts and determined that the portion of the site area tested was disturbed. A mean ceramic date of 1891.1 was established for the site and intersite artifact patterning was completed. The artifact patterning confirmed the...