12Wa244 (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

ROI029, Independence: A Multicomponent Site in the Middle Wabash Drainage, Warren County, Indiana (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Beth Cree. Donald R. Cochran.

Excavation of a 10.8% sample of the portion of the Independence site that will be destroyed through construction of a bridge over the Wabash River between Fountain and Warren Counties, Indiana revealed that the site had been disturbed through cultivation, erosion and bioturbation. In spite of the disturbance, data recovered during excavation revealed that occupation of the site spanned a 10,000 year period, was short term, and probably seasonal. Since informants reported that the site has not...

ROI029, Independence: A Multicomponent Site in the Middle Wabash Drainage, Warren County, Indiana
PROJECT Uploaded by: Applied Anthropology Laboratories Ball State University

This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 029 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. Excavation of a 10.8% sample of the portion of the Independence site that will be destroyed through construction of a bridge over the Wabash River between Fountain and Warren Counties, Indiana revealed that the site had been disturbed through cultivation, erosion and bioturbation. In spite of the disturbance, data recovered during excavation revealed that...