12B1036 (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

ROI044, McCullough's Run (12-B-1036): A Prehistoric Cremation Cemetery Bartholomew County, Indiana, Revised Mitigation Report (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Applied Anthropology Laboratories Ball State University

This document presents a current summary of the analyses of features excavated by the Archaeological Resources Management Service (ARMS) at the McCullough's Run site (12-B-1036) near Columbus, Indiana. The work was carried out under Permit Number 950044 issued by the Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. New information contained in this summary report includes a summary of the analysis of human remains, radiocarbon dates, floral...

ROI044, McCullough's Run (12-B-1036): A Prehistoric Cremation Cemetery Bartholomew County, Indiana, Revised Mitigation Report
PROJECT Donald R. Cochran.

This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 044 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. This document presents a current summary of the analyses of features excavated by the Archaeological Resources Management Service (ARMS) at the McCullough's Run site (12-B-1036) near Columbus, Indiana. The work was carried out under Permit Number 950044 issued by the Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology of the Indiana Department of Natural...