12Dl689 (Site Name Keyword)

1-4 (4 Records)

ROI036, Historic and Prehistoric Contexts in the Tipton Till Plain (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Donald W. Cree. Randy Gaw. Gerald Waite. Lisa Paylo. Donald R. Cochran.

The Archaeological Resources Management Service (ARMS) proposed a data enhancement project for Delaware County, Indiana to explore prehistoric settlement, historic Delaware Indian settlement and historic industrial sites in the Tipton Till Plain region of Indiana. Prehistoric settlement would be investigated through a review of past projects and an assessment of previously recorded site densities. These would be tested against a survey to be conducted in Delaware County. Historic Delaware...

ROI036, Historic and Prehistoric Contexts in the Tipton Till Plain
PROJECT Donald R. Cochran. Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 036 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. The Archaeological Resources Management Service (ARMS) proposed a data enhancement project for Delaware County, Indiana to explore prehistoric settlement, historic Delaware Indian settlement and historic industrial sites in the Tipton Till Plain region of Indiana. Prehistoric settlement would be investigated through a review of past projects and an...

ROI057, Recovery of Two Albee Features at the Jarrett Site (12-Dl-689), Delaware County, Indiana (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Beth K. McCord.

In 1998, 2 prehistoric features were reported eroding from the Jarrett site (12Dl689) located west of Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana. The features were salvaged by the Archaeological Resources Management Service at Ball State University in December of 1998. The feature contents and radiocarbon dates placed the features within the Late Woodland Albee Phase. The floral analysis of the features gives further insights to Albee subsistence practices. This report details the recovery and analysis of...

ROI057, Recovery of Two Albee Features at the Jarrett Site (12-Dl-689), Delaware County, Indiana
PROJECT Uploaded by: Applied Anthropology Laboratories Ball State University

This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 057 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. In 1998, 2 prehistoric features were reported eroding from the Jarrett site (12Dl689) located west of Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana. The features were salvaged by the Archaeological Resources Management Service at Ball State University in December of 1998. The feature contents and radiocarbon dates placed the features within the Late Woodland Albee...