12Sw327 (Site Name Keyword)

1-3 (3 Records)

ROI063, SR 129 Rehabilitation INDOT Project #STP-3378 (), Des #9502690, Switzerland County, Indiana
PROJECT Donald R. Cochran. Beth K. McCord. Indiana Department of Transportation.

This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 063 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. The Hall site (12Sw327) is a multicomponent historic farmstead and prehistoric site located on the valley edge and floodplain of Long Run, north of Vevay, Switzerland County, Indiana. Archaeological testing revealed that the occupation of the farmstead ranged from the early to mid 19th century to the mid to late 20th century. A total of sixteen historic...

ROI063, SR 129 Rehabilitation INDOT Project #STP-3378 (), Des #9502690, Switzerland County, Indiana: Archaeological Testing of Site 12Sw327 (2002)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Blake Cochran. Ezra Erb. Beth K. McCord. Kimberly Nagle. Kimberly Zunker.

The Hall site (12Sw327) is a multicomponent historic farmstead and prehistoric site located on the valley edge and floodplain of Long Run, north of Vevay, Switzerland County, Indiana. Archaeological testing revealed that the occupation of the farmstead ranged from the early to mid 19th century to the mid to late 20th century. A total of sixteen historic cultural features were identified. Prehistoric components were found at the site, but no undisturbed prehistoric contexts were found. No...

ROI063, SR 129 Rehabilitation INDOT Project #STP-3378 (), Des #9502690, Switzerland County, Indiana: Archaeological Testing of Site 12Sw339 (2002)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Blake Cochran. Ezra Erb. Beth K. McCord. Kimberly Nagle. Kimberly Zunker.

Site 12Sw339 is a multicomponent historic and prehistoric site located on a section of Illinoian till plain south of Moorefield, Switzerland county, Indiana. Archaeological testing revealed that the main occupation was mid 19th century to early 20th century, with a minor prehistoric occupation. A total of three historic cultural features were identified at the site. These include a limestone well, a coal concentration/stain, and a brick and limestone house foundation. No prehistoric features...