12Hu458 (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

ROI007, An Archaeological Survey of the Salamonie Reservoir
PROJECT Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 007 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. An archaeological survey of the Salamonie Reservoir was carried out to identify the variables that influenced site selection, refine the culture history of the area, develop hypotheses concerning Early Archaic settlement patterns, investigate the seeming lack of Middle Archaic occupation of the area, and evaluate the effect the reservoir has had on the...

ROI007, An Archeaological Survey of the Salamonie Reservior (1982)
DOCUMENT Full-Text William R. Wepler. Donald Cochran.

An archaeological survey of the Salamonie Reservoir was carried out to identify the variables that influenced site selection, refine the culture history of the area, develop hypotheses concerning Early Archaic settlement patterns, investigate the seeming lack of Middle Archaic occupation of the area, and evaluate the effect the reservoir has had on the archaeological resources. Refinements and expansion of the description of the natural setting of the area as originally presented by Wepler...