12Hn10 (Site Name Keyword)
1-25 (25 Records)
This tDAR document page represents Chapter 9 (pp. 33-38) of Archeological Report 02 (Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-2, Hn-8, and Hn-12: A 1966 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. The chapter has 2 appendices: - Appendix A: The Prehistoric Earthworks of Henry County - Appendix B: A Frog Effigy Pipe. This chapter can be found within the fully published document held in the AR02...
AR02-09, Initial Henry County, Indiana, Site Survey, in AR02, Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-2, Hn-8, and Hn-12: A 1966 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana
This tDAR Project page represents Chapter 9 (pp. 33-46) of Archeological Report 02 (Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-2, Hn-8, and Hn-12: A 1966 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana), from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. The chapter has 2 appendices, Appendix A: The Prehistoric Earthworks of Henry County, and Appendix B: A Frog Effigy Pipe. This chapter can be found within the fully published document held in the AR02...
AR02-IMAGES, Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-2, Hn-8, and Hn-12: A 1966 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana
This tDAR Project contains all the artifact images and 3D artifact models available for all chapters in AR02. To find details on the context of each artifact, the user is referred to the projects in this collection for the respective chapters. Archeological Report 02 (Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-2, Hn-8, and Hn-12: A 1966 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University.
AR03, Archaeological Report (1968)
This is the tDAR document page that represents Archeological Report 03 (Archaeological Reports) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University.
AR03-08, Chapter 8, Interim Report of White Site, in AR03, Archaeological Reports (1968)
This tDAR document page represents Chapter 8 (pp. 25-31) of Archeological Report 03 (Archaeological Reports) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. This chapter has an appendix: - Appendix A: Analysis of Soil Samples.
AR03-08, Interim Report of White Site, in AR03, Archaeological Reports
This tDAR Project page represents Chapter 8 (pp. 25-31) of Archeological Report 03 (Archaeological Reports) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. This chapter has an appendix; Appendix A: Analysis of Soil Samples.
AR03-09, Archaeological Report of the NDEA History Institute, in AR03, Archaeological Reports
This tDAR Project page represents Chapter 9 (pp. 32-36) of Archeological Report 03 (Archaeological Reports) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. This chapter has an appendix: - Appendix A: Participants of the NDEA History Institute.
AR03-09, Chapter 9, Archaeological Report of the NDEA History Institute, in AR03, Archaeological Reports (1968)
This tDAR document page represents Chapter 9 (pp. 32-36) of Archeological Report 03 (Archaeological Reports) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. This chapter has an appendix: - Appendix A: Participants of the NDEA History Institute.
AR03-IMAGES, Archaeological Reports
This tDAR Project contains all the artifact images and 3D artifact models available for all chapters in AR03. To find details on the context of each artifact, the user is referred to the projects in this collection for the respective chapters. Archeological Report 03 (Archaeological Reports) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University.
AR04-06, Chapter 6, Stratigraphy of The White Site, in AR04, Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-2, Hn-8, Hn-10, Hn-12, and Hn-25: A 1968 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana (1969)
This tDAR document page represents Chapter 6 (pp. 18-22) of Archeological Report 04 (Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-2, Hn-8, Hn-10, Hn-12, and Hn-25: A 1968 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. This chapter has an appendix: - Appendix A: A Radiocarbon Date From The White Site. This chapter can be found within the fully published document held in the AR04 collection, titled: AR04,...
AR04-06, Stratigraphy of The White Site, in AR04, Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-2, Hn-8, Hn-10, Hn-12, and Hn-25: A 1968 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana
This tDAR Project page represents Chapter 6 (pp. 18-22) of Archeological Report 04 (Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-2, Hn-8, Hn-10, Hn-12, and Hn-25: A 1968 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. This chapter has an appendix; Appendix A: A Radiocarbon Date From The White Site. This chapter can be found within the fully published document held in the AR04 collection, titled: AR04,...
AR04-IMAGES, Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-2, Hn-8, Hn-10, Hn-12, and Hn-25: A 1968 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana
This tDAR Project contains all the artifact images and 3D artifact models available for all chapters in AR04. To find details on the context of each artifact, the user is referred to the projects in this collection for the respective chapters. Archeological Report 04 (Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-2, Hn-8, Hn-10, Hn-12, and Hn-25: A 1968 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University.
AR06-03, Chapter 3, White Site Extended. Final 1967 Season Field Report, in AR06, Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-10, and Hn-25: A 1969 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana (1970)
This tDAR document page represents Chapter 3 (pp. 16-26) of Archeological Report 06 (Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-10, and Hn-25: A 1969 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. This chapter has 2 appendices: - Appendix A: Comparison of Adena and White Site Traits - Appendix B: White Site Radiocarbon Dates. This chapter can be found within the fully published document held in the AR06...
AR06-03, White Site Extended. Final 1967 Season Field Report, in AR06, Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-10, and Hn-25: A 1969 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana
This tDAR Project page represents Chapter 3 (pp. 16-26) of Archeological Report 06 (Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-10, and Hn-25: A 1969 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. This chapter has 2 appendices; Appendix A: Comparison of Adena and White Site Traits, Appendix B: White Site Radiocarbon Dates. This chapter can be found within the fully published document held in the AR06...
AR06-IMAGES, Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-10, and Hn-25: A 1969 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana
This tDAR Project contains all the artifact images and 3D artifact models available for all chapters in AR06. To find details on the context of each artifact, the user is referred to the projects in this collection for the respective chapters. Archeological Report 06 (Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-10, and Hn-25: A 1969 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University.
AR11-07, Chapter 7, Four Pipes from Henry County, Indiana, in AR11, Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Commissary site, Hn-2, and Partial Data from Hn-1: A 1972 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana (1973)
This tDAR document page represents Chapter 7 (pp. 21-25) of Archeological Report 11 (Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Commissary site, Hn-2, and Partial Data from Hn-1: A 1972 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. This chapter can be found within the fully published document held in the AR11 collection, titled: AR11, Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Commissary site, Hn-2, and Partial Data...
AR11-07, Four Pipes from Henry County, Indiana, in AR11, Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Commissary site, Hn-2, and Partial Data from Hn-1: A 1972 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana
This tDAR Project page represents Chapter 7 (pp. 21-25) of Archeological Report 11 (Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Commissary site, Hn-2, and Partial Data from Hn-1: A 1972 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. This chapter can be found within the fully published document held in the AR11 collection, titled: AR11, Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Commissary site, Hn-2, and Partial Data...
AR12-04, Chapter 4, Some Experiences of the Hobson Family, Early New Castle Settlers, in AR12, Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Commissary site, Hn-2: A 1973 Summer Field School in Henry and Madison County, Indiana. Includes Index to Archaeological Reports Number 1 to 12 (1974)
This tDAR document page represents Chapter 4 (pp. 14-15) of Archeological Report 12 (Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Commissary site, Hn-2: A 1973 Summer Field School in Henry and Madison County, Indiana. Includes Index to Archaeological Reports Number 1 to 12) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. This chapter can be found within the fully published document held in the AR12 collection, titled: AR12, Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle...
AR12-04, Some Experiences of the Hobson Family, Early New Castle Settlers, in AR12, Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Commissary site, Hn-2: A 1973 Summer Field School in Henry and Madison County, Indiana. Includes Index to Archaeological Reports Number 1 to 12
This tDAR Project page represents Chapter 4 (pp. 14-15) of Archeological Report 12 (Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Commissary site, Hn-2: A 1973 Summer Field School in Henry and Madison County, Indiana. Includes Index to Archaeological Reports Number 1 to 12) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. This chapter can be found within the fully published document held in the AR12 collection, titled: AR12, Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle...
AR15, Archaeological Investigations of the Wohl Site, Wy-165, and Big Blue Lake Fieldwork: A 1978 Summer Field School in Wayne County, Indiana. (1979)
This is the tDAR document page that represents Archeological Report 15 (Archaeological Investigations of the Wohl Site, Wy-165, and Big Blue Lake Fieldwork: A 1978 Summer Field School in Wayne County, Indiana. Includes Update to Archaeological Report 5’s Literature Index) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University.
AR15-05, An Annotated Bibliography of Indiana Archaeology, 1968-1979, in AR15, Archaeological Investigations of the Wohl Site, Wy-165, and Big Blue Lake Fieldwork: A 1978 Summer Field School in Wayne County, Indiana. Includes Update to Archaeological Report 5’s Literature Index
This tDAR Project page represents Chapter 5 (pp. 32-96) of Archeological Report 15 (Archaeological Investigations of the Wohl Site, Wy-165, and Big Blue Lake Fieldwork: A 1978 Summer Field School in Wayne County, Indiana. Includes Update to Archaeological Report 5’s Literature Index) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. This chapter can be found within the fully published document held in the AR15 collection, titled: AR15, Archaeological Investigations of the...
AR15-05, Chapter 5, An Annotated Bibliography Of Indiana Archaeology, 1968-1979, in AR15, Archaeological Investigations of the Wohl Site, Wy-165, and Big Blue Lake Fieldwork: A 1978 Summer Field School in Wayne County, Indiana. Includes Update to Archaeological Report 5’s Literature Index (1979)
This tDAR document page represents Chapter 5 (pp. 32-96) of Archeological Report 15 (Archaeological Investigations of the Wohl Site, Wy-165, and Big Blue Lake Fieldwork: A 1978 Summer Field School in Wayne County, Indiana. Includes Update to Archaeological Report 5’s Literature Index) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. This chapter can be found within the fully published document held in the AR15 collection, titled: AR15, Archaeological Investigations of the...
AR15-IMAGES, Archaeological Investigations of the Wohl Site, Wy-165, and Big Blue Lake Fieldwork: A 1978 Summer Field School in Wayne County, Indiana.
This tDAR Project contains all the artifact images and 3D artifact models available for all chapters in AR15. To find details on the context of each artifact, the user is referred to the projects in this collection for the respective chapters. Archeological Report 15 (Archaeological Investigations of the Wohl Site, Wy-165, and Big Blue Lake Fieldwork: A 1978 Summer Field School in Wayne County, Indiana. Includes Update to Archaeological Report 5’s Literature Index) from the Applied Anthropology...
ROI043, Woodland Sites in East Central Indiana: A Survey And Evaluation (1996)
A survey and planning grant project was proposed by the Archaeological Resources Management Service to conduct an inventory of Woodland earthworks in east central Indiana. The inventory would be used to update the documentation of the sites and determine their survival rate. Four sites were proposed for testing and a review of regional habitation sites would be undertaken to develop a model of Woodland settlement in the region. The inventory documented 295 earthworks within the project area....
ROI043, Woodland Sites in East Central Indiana: A Survey And Evaluation.
This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 043 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. A survey and planning grant project was proposed by the Archaeological Resources Management Service to conduct an inventory of Woodland earthworks in east central Indiana. The inventory would be used to update the documentation of the sites and determine their survival rate. Four sites were proposed for testing and a review of regional habitation sites...