40FR201 (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Archaeological Survey and Inventory of 16,825 Acres Arnold Air Force Base, Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee, Volume 1 and 2 (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Marc E. Wampler. Kim Smith. John Hunter. Mathia Scherer. Richard Stallings.

From October 2008 to June 2009, a Phase I archaeological survey and inventory field assessment of all remaining survey areas (16,825 acres) was conducted on base. Seventy‐four new archaeological sites and 29 isolated cultural finds were identified during the course of the survey. Forty‐five of the sites are affiliated with the prehistoric period, twenty‐seven are affiliated with the historic period including one cemetery and one site has both periods represented. Additionally the Haynes‐Howard...

Phase I Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey for Cultural Resources of 184 HA (455 Acres) On Industrial Site A, 162 HA (400 Acres) on Industrial Site B, and 0.7 HA (1.7 Acres) at the Location of the Trenton Transition Test Cells W1 and W2, Arnold Engineering Development Center, Arnold Air Force Base, Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Harley Lanham.

This project was completed in fall of 1994 in support of the construction of several facilities. It included the examination of three different areas, 455 acres in Industrial Site A, 400 acres in Industrial Site B, and a small 1.7-acre tract. The investigators included a geomorphologist who judged that 20% of the surface of the project areas was highly disturbed. Investigators conducted a pedestrian survey of the areas and conducted shovel testing at 30 and 15 m intervals in vegetated areas. A...