40FR213 (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Archaeological Investigations In Unsurveyed Portions of the Proposed Improvement Area for Fam Camp on Arnold Air Force Base (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Shawn Chapman.

Summary of archaeological investigations in support of the proposed improvement area for Fam Camp. Investigations included a review of the existing site records, pedestrian survey and visual inspection as well as shovel testing. Records search indicated six sites are located within one mile of the project area. All of these sites have been determined as not eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Visual inspection and shovel testing show that the greater portion...

A Final Report on Phase I Survey for Archaeological Resources of 16,188 HA (40,000 Acres) at Arnold Engineering Development Center, Arnold Air Force Base, Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jennifer H. Matternes.

The investigations reported in this document are by far the most extensive of any conducted on the installation and one of the most extensive Phase I projects ever conducted in Tennessee. Field investigations were conducted in two distinct Periods. This effort documented portions of the archaeological record at 71 localities; 30 historic sites, 27 prehistoric sites, and 14 sites containing both prehistoric and historic cultural remains. Of these, 26 were recommended for further investigations to...