40CF056 (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Final Report: Archaeological Site Evaluation – Native American (2002)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ed Hajic. W.J. Bennett, Jr.. William Isenberger. John Northrip. Robert Bennett.

This project was an outgrowth to the recommendation in the Cultural Resources Management Plan that investigations be undertaken to assess the potential of the Terrace Landscape on Arnold Air Force Base for buried cultural features. Field investigations were undertaken at four locations; near the Woods Reservoir Dam, at two locations near Morris Ferry, and near the confluence of Bradley Creek and Woods Reservoir. In the course of these investigations assessments of the potential for eight...

Final Report: Historic Archaeological Site Evaluation - Pre 1941 (2002)
DOCUMENT Full-Text W. J. Bennett, Jr.. Jeffrey Blakely. Diane Everman. William Isenberger. Mary Bennett. John Northrip. Robert Bennett. Michael Bradley. Gerald Smith.

This Report discusses the efforts made to complete the documentation of the nineteenth and twentieth century’s archaeological record at Arnold Air Force Base prior to the creation of Camp Forrest in 1941. This effort involved an examination of historic vintage aerial photographs and historic cartographic sources to note the locations of farms and facilities on Arnold Air Force Base prior to 1941. This was done by incorporating these sources into the ArcView GIS and plotting the locations of...