12Al9 (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

AR18-03, Chapter 3, The Late Woodland Habitation of Cedar Creek and the Adams and Kramer Circular Enclosures, in AR18, Archaeological Investigations of the Bertsch Site, Wy-45, and the Biface III Site, Mi-18: The 1981 and 1982 Summer Field Schools From Ball State University. (1984)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mark Moore.

This tDAR document page represents Chapter 3 (pp. 20-31) of Archeological Report 18 (Archaeological Investigations of the Bertsch Site, Wy-45, and the Biface III Site, Mi-18: The 1981 and 1982 Summer Field Schools From Ball State University) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. This chapter can be found within the fully published document with the AR18 collection, titled: AR18, Archaeological Investigations of the Bertsch Site, Wy-45, and the Biface III Site,...

AR18-03, The Late Woodland Habitation of Cedar Creek and the Adams and Kramer Circular Enclosures, in AR18, Archaeological Investigations of the Bertsch Site, Wy-45, and the Biface III Site, Mi-18: The 1981 and 1982 Summer Field Schools From Ball State University.
PROJECT B. K. Swartz, Jr..

This tDAR Project page represents Chapter 3 (pp. 20-31) of Archeological Report 18 (Archaeological Investigations of the Bertsch Site, Wy-45, and the Biface III Site, Mi-18: The 1981 and 1982 Summer Field Schools From Ball State University) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. This chapter can be found within the fully published document with the AR18 collection, titled: AR18, Archaeological Investigations of the Bertsch Site, Wy-45, and the Biface III Site,...