34AL20 (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Kegelman Auxiliary Air Field, Vance Air Force Base: Cultural Resources Survey of Kegelman Air Field, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Geo-Marine, Inc., conducted a Phase I cultural resources survey at Kegelman Auxiliary Air Field (AAF), a sub-installation of Vance Air Force Base, in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, under a contract with Weston Solutions, Inc., for the Air Education and Training Command, United States Air Force. The purpose of the investigations was to identify and assess the cultural resources of the base, and to create an overview and management plan for those resources. No prehistoric cultural resources were...

SHPO: Cultural Resources Survey of Kegelman Auxiliary Air Field, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma by Geo-Marine, Inc. (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

SHPO correspondence regarding a cultural resources survey of Kegelman Auxiliary Air Field by Geo-Marine, Inc.