Chapel II (Site Name Keyword)
1-24 (24 Records)
An investigation seeking to identify and evaluate of all of the pre-1947 structures on Andrews Air Force Base. The effort determined that two properties, which predate construction of the base, can be considered historically significant. The effort also found that these buildings, along with their associated outbuildings and sites, meet the criteria for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. Investigations have also resulted in determinations that the remaining pre-base...
An Archaeological and Historic Resources Inventory at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland: Field Survey Design (1994)
Report on the survey design approach for field work at Andrews Air Force Base and the Davidsonville Transmitter Station. Includes related correspondence.
Assorted Photographs of Chapel I and Chapel II at Joint Base Andrews (2022)
Various undated photographs of Chapel I and Chapel II, located at Joint Base Andrews. A few images feature writing on them to note certain architectural aspects such as paint color, window shape, and type of gutters.
Attachment 5.5: Andrews AFB Building Inventory Forms for Buildings 1966 (Belle Chance) and 3715 (Chapel II) (1996)
Selected pages of the Maryland Historic Trust (MD SHPO) State Historic Sites Inventory Forms completed for Belle Chance (Building 1966) and Chapel II (Building 3715), located at Joint Base Andrews.
Belle Chance: A Commander's Haven (2001)
The history of Belle Chance and the land it inhabits from the mid-late 1800s to the time of the document's creation in 2001.
Correspondence Regarding National Register of Historic Places Nominations for Chapel II and Belle Chance (1996)
Correspondence from the Maryland Historical Trust (MD SHPO) to Andrews Air Force Base concerning the draft National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) nominations for Chapel II and Belle Chance. The MD SHPO found that Chapel II no longer maintained integrity to be eligible for listing, while Belle Chance maintained integrity and was "a likely candidate" for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
Cultural Resource Report and Management Recommendations for Andrews Air Force Base, Prince Georges County, Maryland (1993)
The Cultural Resource Planning Branch, Cultural Resource Management, Mid-Atlantic Region, National Park Service, examined Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, to assess the potential for the presence of significant cultural resources on the base.
Dig Permit for Chapel II, Andrews Air Force Base (2009)
A project proposal submitted to the Maryland Historical Trust (MDSHPO) for repair and renovations to the basement of Chapel II on Andrews Air Force Base. Document includes correspondence, Project Review Form, photos outlining plan, selected pages from the 1995 report, 'An Archaeological and Historic Resources Inventory of Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland,' selected pages from the 1998 report, 'Historical Chapel Two: From the Beginning 1805 through 1998,' and the proposed Statement of Work for...
Draft Maryland Historical Trust Project Review Form for Chapel II Renovations (2022)
An undated draft Maryland Historical Trust Project Review Form for the renovation of Chapel II at Andrews Air Force Base.
Environmental Assessment for Renovations to the POL Bulk Storage Area, Construction of the Motor Pool Wash Rack, Basewide Landscaping, Demolition of Buildings 2326, 3459, 3611, 3719, and 3723, Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland (1996)
Proposal for several projects at Andrews Air Force Base including construction, modification, and demolition of structures. Due to the highly developed area, no cultural resources were affected.
Figures from the 2003 Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (ICRMP) for Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland (2003)
Figures and maps from the 2003 Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (ICRMP) for Andrews Air Force Base, detailing archaeological sites, surveyed areas, unsurveyed areas, historic sites, and Section 106 responsibilities.
Forest Grove Methodist Church Cemetery, Burial Listing (2022)
Undated list of individuals buried at the Forest Grove Methodist Church Cemetery, also known as the Chapel II Cemetery, at Joint Base Andrews.
Historic Chapel Two: From the Beginning 1805 through 1998 (1998)
A history of Chapel Two at Joint Base Andrews from its construction in 1805 through to 1998. The historic structure is intended to be a "one-stop-shop" for the facility's history.
Historic Sites & Districts Plan, Appendix A: Prince George's County Historic Resource Inventory (1981)
The Appendix A from the Historic Sites & Districts Plan for Andrews Air Force Base detailing the historic resources by Planning Area. Mentions sites in Planning Area 77 (PA 77) Melwood, Planning Area 78 (PA78) Westphalia, and Planning Area 79 (PA 79) Upper Marlboro. Includes photos of Chapel II.
Historical Archaeological Survey Andrews Air Force Base (1984)
Historic Archaeological Survey of Andrews Air Force Base covering a range of sites from a potential Early Native American sites, Early Colonial sites, American Civil War sites, and sites dating to the turn of the 20th Century.
Historical Highlights of Andrews Air Force Base 1942-1989, Part VI: Historical Sites Andrews AFB (1990)
Part VI of 'Historical Highlights of Andrews Air Force Base 1942-1989' focusing on the Historic Sites found on the lands now occupied by Andrews Air Force Base. Highlights include Belle Chance and Chapel II.
Maryland Historical Trust Communication Regarding Review of Chapel II Repairs (2009)
Response from the Maryland Historical Trust (MDSHPO) regarding the proposed renovation and repair projects on Chapel II at Andrews Air Force Base. The Maryland Historical Trust notes the Chapel's close proximity to a cemetery, and provides recommendations special archaeological provisions and additional documentation be completed in conjunction with the implementation of the project.
Maryland Historical Trust Communication Regarding the Eligibility of Chapel II Following Renovations and Belle Chance at Andrews Air Force Base (1996)
Response from the Maryland Historical Trust (MDSHPO) regarding the Determinations of Eligibility to the National Register of Historic Place (NRHP) on Chapel II and Belle Chance, historic buildings located at Andrews Air Force Base. The Maryland Historical Trust confirms that Chapel II is ineligible due to the "extensive reconstruction" efforts completed on the building following a recent fire. Belle Chance is considered potentially eligible for inclusion to the NRHP, if further documentation...
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission's Site Visit to Chapel II at Andrews Air Force Base (1985)
Request from the Maryland-National Capital Park And Planning Commission to Andrews Air Force Base recommending an eligibility evaluation for Chapel II be submitted to the National Register of Historic Places.
Preliminary Draft Cultural Resources Management Plan Andrews Air Force Base (1996)
The preliminary draft of the Andrews Air Force Base Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (ICRMP). The document summarizes the history and prehistory of the base, and reviews past historical and archaeological survey efforts. This plan outlines and assigns responsibilities for the Management of Cultural Resources, and discusses related concerns and standard operating procedures for Andrews Air Force Base.
Renovation of Chapel 2 Andrews Air Force Base (1987)
Correspondence between the Maryland Historical Trust, the Advisory Council On Historic Preservation, and Andrews Air Force Base concerning the proposed renovation of Chapel 2 (Chapel II) located at Andrews Air Force Base. Includes a completed Maryland Historical Trust State Historic Sites Inventory Form with pictures of the historic property.
SHPO Correspondence Regarding Chapel 2 (Building 3715) Repairs, Andrews Air Force Base (2009)
Correspondence from the Maryland Historic Trust (MD SHPO) to Andrews Air Force Base with recommendations to avoid or mitigate adverse effects from the proposed project to repair Chapel 2.
Status of Historic Preservation Activities at Andrews Air Force Base (1984)
Letter from Colonel Clark detailing historic preservation activities at Andrews Air Force Base.
Submission of the Chapel 2 Basement Renovation Project Review Form (2009)
Letter from Andrews Air Force Base requesting the Maryland Historic Trust (MD SHPO) review the project proposal and supporting documentation for the 'Chapel 2 Basement Repair and Renovation' project. The documentation packet contains the Maryland Historic Trust Project Review Form, Map of Chapel 2, photos of the existing facility, the proposed layout of the basement renovation, relevant pages from the March 1995 report, 'An Archaeological and Historic Resources Inventory of Andrews Air Force...