5EP.4247 (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey, Architectural Inventory Forms, Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Pumphrey.

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Architectural Inventory Forms for site within Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station.

SHPO: Historic Building Inventory and Evaluation (HBIE), Cold War Theme at Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Georgianna Contigulglia.

SHPO Concurrence Letter from Georgina Contiguglia, Colorado State Historic Preservation Officer to James Buchanan, OAF, CIV, Department of the Air Force, Civil Engineer Division regarding Historic Building Inventory and Evaluation (HBIE) of properties less than 50 years old under the Cold War theme at Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station.