AZ T:7:154(ASM) (Site Name Keyword)
1-1 (1 Record)
A Cultural Resources Survey on Federal and State Land of 0.23 Mile (1.39 Acres) of the Arizona Public Service M-101 (Agua Fria–Waddell) 69-kV Transmission Line, 4.75 Miles (28.78 Acres) of the M-104 (Agua Fria–Westwing) 69-kV Transmission Line, and 2.26 Miles (41.09 Acres) of the 230-13 (El Sol–Westwing) 230-kV Transmission Line in Maricopa County, Arizona (2011)
Arizona Public Service Company (APS) requested that Logan Simpson Design Inc. (LSD) conduct an intensive cultural resources survey of a 0.23-mile-long and 50-ft-wide (1.39-acre) right-of-way across Luke AFB for the M-101 (Agua Fria–Waddell) 69-kV transmission line, a 4.75-mile-long and 50-ft-wide (28.78-acre) right-of-way across State Trust land administered by the ASLD and BLM lands for the M-104 (Agua Fria–Westwing) 69-kV transmission line, and a 2.26-mile-long and 150-ft-wide (41.09-acre)...