5EP.1332 (Site Name Keyword)


1-2 (2 Records)

Cultural Resources Inventory of Proposed Expansion Areas for Peterson and Falcon Air Force Bases, El Paso County, Colorado, Volume I (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jane L. Anderson.

An intensive cultural resources inventory of 1,060 acres of Peterson and Falcon Air Force Bases, El Paso County, Colorado was conducted by Centennial Archaeology, Inc. The purpose of this inventory was to identify, document, and evaluate all cultural resources located within the project areas and to formulate recommendations for mitigation of impacts to significant resources. Fifteen sites (7 prehistoric, 7 historic, and 1 prehistoric and historic) and fifteen isolated finds were recorded. One...

Work Plan and Research Design for the 3,116-acre Intensive Cultural Resource Inventory on Schriever Air Force Base Lands, El Paso County, Colorado (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Clive Briggs. Melissa Elkins. Dante Knapp. Natasha Krasnow.

Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc., contracted by the Center for Archaeological Studies at Texas State University-San Marcos (CAS), has completed this work plan and research design in preparation for Class III Intensive Cultural Resource Field Inventory of approximately 3,116 acres on United States Schriever Air Force Base (SAFB) lands in El Paso County, Colorado.