Oasis of Mara (Site Name Keyword)
1-3 (3 Records)
WACC reports that summarize archaeological survey and excavation in Joshua Tree National Park (formerly Joshua Tree National Monument).
Excavations at The Oasis of Mara: Archeological Investigations at Joshua Tree National Monument (1983)
The Oasis of Mara is one of five palm oases in the Joshua Tree National Monument and represents the northernmost palm oasis in the western hemisphere. The National Park Service has proposed the installation of subsurface waterlines from the Visitor Center to the palm stands in order to supplement the available water supply, thus protecting the trees and preserving the natural integrity of the oasis. This Park Service proposal led to the initiation of archeological test excavations in the oasis...
The Oasis of Mara is a permanent spring located in the Mojave desert in Twentynine Palms, California. This spring has served as important source of water and center for human occupation in the high desert region from prehistoric to post World War II. A geologic trench at the site revealed a layer dated to 9000 years BP that represented either an eolian lense or a liquifaction feature within a stratum containing marsh sediments. Three pollen samples were analyzed from above, below and within...