LA66368 (Site Name Keyword)

1-5 (5 Records)

LA66368 Site Record (1981)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Site Record for LA66368 recorded in 1981.

LA66368 Site Record (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Site Record for LA66368 recorded 7/22/1996. The site is recommended not eligible for inclusion in the NRHP.

Melrose Air Force Range Resources
PROJECT Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Project metadata for resources within the Melrose Air Force Range cultural heritage resources collection.

SHPO Concurrence about Melrose AFR Helicopter Landing Zones (2013)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Letters to the New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office requesting consultation on Melrose AFR Helicopter Landing Zones. Includes stamp from SHPO giving concurrence.

Survey Notes for LA66361-LA66369 (2023)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Site survey notes for LA66361, LA66362, LA66363, LA66364, LA66365, LA66366, LA66367, LA66368, LA66369.