AZ AA:16:639(ASM) (Site Name Keyword)

1-1 (1 Record)

A Class III Cultural Resources Inventory of Approximately 1,441 Acres in the Bureau of Reclamation Tucson Mitigation Corridor, Avra Valley, Pima County, Arizona (2024)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Barbara Montgomery. Galen McCloskey.

The Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) is seeking to update the survey for cultural resources on BOR lands covering the northern half of the Tucson Mitigation Corridor in Avra Valley, Pima County, Arizona, to satisfy their obligations under Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) (54 USC §306102). At the request of the BOR, Tierra Right of Way Services, Ltd. (Tierra), performed a Class III cultural resources survey of 1,440.94 acres of BOR land to the southeast of the Sandario and...