CA-SBA-2345 (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

VAFB-2000-03: Eligibility Testing at CA-SBA-935, -2321, and -2345 for El Nino Related Road Repairs, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Douglas R. Harro. Clayton G. Lebow. Rebecca L. McKim. Christopher Ryan. Carole A. Denardo.

This document is a report detailing archaeological investigations at CA-SBA-935, -2321, and -2345 that were prompted by proposed repairs to a road that cuts through these sites. The intent of this study is to define site boundaries, evaluate significance, and assess potential effects from the road repairs. Testing at CA-SBA-935 included 197 shovel test pits and 14 test excavation units, as well as 9 surface-collected artifacts. Four spatially distinct artifact concentrations were identified....

VAFB-2000-06: Cultural Resources Condition on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Fiscal Year 2000: Zone 3 (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Clayton G. Lebow.

This document is a report that presents the results of archaeological site condition assessments in Zone 3 on Vandenberg Air Force Base during Fiscal Year 2000. Chapter 1 describes the zone and lists the sites that were examined. Methods used during field work are briefly described in Chapter 2. Results of condition assessments are reported in Chapter 3, and detailed management recommendations are included in Chapter 4. Conditions and management recommendations for all examined resources are...