Porolissum (Site Name Keyword)
1-5 (5 Records)
Map of northern Dacia with Porolissum.
Map of Roman Empire with location of Porolissum (2011)
Map of Roman Empire with location of Porolissum.
PFP 2004-2010 overview (2010)
This is an excerpt from a field manual we print for our field school students. The documents presents an overview of the results of the PFP seasons 2004, 2006-2010 (there was no field season in 2005).
PFP 2011 end-of-season report (2011)
This is an end-of-season report that provides an overview of the stratigraphy and features excavated in summer 2011 by the PFP. Area 11 (3 trenches) investigates a large public building on the north side of Porolissum's forum; Trench 22N investigated a late Roman hearth as well as earlier Roman features, including evidence of a wooden phase; Area 33 (two trenches) focused upon the SW corner of the forum.
Porolissum Forum Project
The Porolissum Forum Project (www.porolissum.org) is a joint American-Romanian research endeavor whose mission it is to understand: 1) Roman building activity and usage within the area of the city's forum; 2) lifeways of the inhabitants of the Roman city, including socio-economic relationships with native European groups; 3) the nature of the site in the immediate post-Roman periods (after AD 271). Porolissum is one of the largest and best-preserved archaeological sites in all of Romania....