Xaltocan (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Northern Basin of Mexico Historical Ecology Project
PROJECT Uploaded by: Chris Morehart

This project examines the long term and continuous production of human landscapes in the northern Basin of Mexico. Building off of several long term and short term projects in this area, this project combines regional archaeological and environmental research with local-scale survey and excavation of communities, households, and water management features. This project examines how the landscape shaped and was shaped by the ways local communities confronted various political entities across time,...

Prosperity, power, and change: Modeling maize at Postclassic Xaltocan, Mexico (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Chris Morehart. Dan Eisenberg.

Documenting the relationship between agriculture and political economy occupies the center of much research and debate in anthropological archaeology. This study examines this issue by focusing on maize at Xaltocan, a Postclassic community located in the northern Basin of Mexico. We consider how different mechanisms of distribution, circulation, and production can influence maize variation. We analyze maize variability through time at Xaltocan and the community’s chinampa system and interpret...