Upper Ruin (Site Name Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
The Archaeology of Tonto National Monument
Tonto National Monumemnt: An Archaeological Survey: Archaeological Investigations in the Tonto Basin, Central Arizona (1985)
Uploaded by: Joshua Watts
WACC reports of archaeological excavation and survey projects within Tonto National Park, Tonto Basin, Arizona.
Tonto National Monumemnt: An Archaeological Survey: Archaeological Investigations in the Tonto Basin, Central Arizona (1985)
This report represents an inventory of the cultural resources within Tonto National Monument in central Arizona. It describes the results of the 100-percent survey of the monument, presents a discussion of previous work done in the Tonto Basin and of the cultural history and natural setting of the regIon. This is followed by site descriptions, artifact analyses and results, interpretations of the subsistence patterns and external relationships of the inhabitants of the sites, and chronology of...