DeWeese Shell Mound; 15Bt6 (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

DeWeese Shell Midden Site (15Bt6) vertebrate faunal remains (1996)
DATASET George Crothers.

Test Unit B1 (1x1 m), excavated in 1994 by arbitrary 10 cm levels, except Level 1 (0-30 cm), which is the plowzone. Total depth 220 cm below surface datum. All matrix waterscreened through 1/4" (6.4 mm) mesh and 40% sample of each level screened through 1/16" (1.6 mm) mesh. Flotation column measuring 25 x 25 cm taken from the southwest corner of each level (except plowzone). Identifications in this dataset are only remains from 1/4" mesh of both the general waterscreen matrix and flotation...

Shell Mound Archaeological Project, Green River, Kentucky
PROJECT Uploaded by: George Crothers

Faunal data sets from the Green River, Kentucky, Archaic sites, including shell mounds or middens and non-shell middens.