Marijilda Ruin (Site Name Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Marijilda Canyon Archeological District, located on Coronado National Forest land. This district is comprised of multiple sites including a masonry pueblo, numerous agricultural features, plazas, rock alignments, and prehistoric and historic petroglyphs. The sites are generally identified as Salado, although one document favors Mogollon. Amidst the prehistoric sites is one historic site, a structure with a fireplace, doorway, and trash deposit,...
Prehistoric Painted Pottery of Southeastern Arizona (2000)
Statistical Research, Inc., was contracted in 1996 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to perform a variety of tasks pertinent to collections of prehistoric ceramics from archaeological work conducted on Fort Huachuca Military Reservation located in southeastern Arizona. The bulk of the contract consisted of two tasks—teaching a class on the ceramics and prehistory of southeastern Arizona and preparing a guide to prehistoric pottery found at sites in this region of the American Southwest. The...