93NM1000 (Site Name Keyword)

26-30 (30 Records)

EMAP Las Animas – LA3949 Unit 8, 10, 14, 1994 (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mark J. Ennes. Karli E. Jacobson. Charles W. Farnsworth.

This report summarizes the excavation of Units 8, 10, and 14 at the Las Animas site (LA 3949), Ladder Ranch, Caballo, New Mexico. Conducted during the months of June, July, and August 1994, excavation of these units was performed by personnel from New Mexico State University and the University at Buffalo. Although several individuals assisted during this work, excavations were conducted primarily by Mark J. Ennes (New Mexico State University), Karli E. Jacobson (University at Buffalo), and...

EMAP Las Animas – LA3949 Unit 9, 1994 (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Susan Ruth. Jennifer E. Nisengard.

This paper summarizes the findings from excavation of Unit 9 from site LA3949 (previously 93NM1 000) located on the Ladder Ranch in Sierra County New Mexico. Excavation of this unit was initiated in June 1994 and completed in August 1994. The 1994 site excavations at LA3949 were conducted by students enrolled in an archaeological field school accredited by the State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY) and New Mexico State University (NMSU) as part of the ongoing Eastern Mimbres...

EMAP – LA3949 Unit 17 writeup 2017 (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

Unit 17 was a large rectangular (5.8 x 3.8 = 22.0 square meters) room in the Northeast Single-story section of the Postclassic pueblo at Las Animas Village. Its size and the presence of a hearth suggest it was a habitation room. Unit 17 shares a wall with Unit 9, but unlike Unit 9, Unit 17 has only one clear occupation. Unit 9 began as a habitation room but it was subsequently remodeled into a storage room. Unit 17 may have been built when Unit 9 was remodeled. There is no evidence of...

EMAP – LA3949 Unit 30 writeup 2017 (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

Unit 30 was a rectangular room (5.6 x 4.3 = 24.1 square meters) in the West Side section of the Postclassic pueblo at Las Animas Village. Although it shared a wall with a two-story room (Unit 4), there is no evidence that Unit 30 had more than one story. There is, however, good evidence that the room (floor and features) was remodeled several times. The substantial roof was probably used as a work surface; several whole manos and partial metates were found in association with this surface. ...

Las Animas Village (LA3949) Datum .shp (2017)
GEOSPATIAL Sarah Klassen.

Maps are derived from field maps and published maps of the site.