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1-2 (2 Records)

Missouri Basin Chronology Program Statements Nos. 1-5 (1964)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Smithsonian Institution, Missouri Basin Project.

This document includes the first five chronology program statements for the Missouri Basin Project. The Program, as it now stands, was developed during the winter of 1958 by the Personnel of the Missouri Basin Project, Smithsonian Institution; the laboratory of Anthropology, University of Nebraska; and the Nebraska State Historical Society; all of Lincoln, Nebraska; and the National Park Service, Region Two Office, in Omaha, Nebraska. Concern for an over-all program of chronology grew out of an...

River Basin Surveys Papers: Inter-Agency Archaeological Salvage Program, No. 7 Archaeological Investigations in the Oahe Dam Area, South Dakota, 1950-51 (1954)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Donald J. Lehmer.

The accompanying report on Archeological Investigations in the Oahe Dam Area, South Dakota, is Paper No.7 in the River Basin Surveys Papers and constitutes the second Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin to be devoted to results of the Inter-Agency Archaeological Salvage Program. It is the first detailed, technical report to be issued covering a completed series of excavations carried on by the Missouri Basin Project of the River Basin Surveys of the Smithsonian Institution. The area where the...