Fort Lookout military and trading posts (39LM57) (Site Name Keyword)

1-3 (3 Records)

River Basin Surveys Papers, No. 16: Historic Sites Archeology in the Fort Randall Reservoir South Dakota (1960)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John E. Mills.

This report is a summary of the field activities concerning historic sites archeology in the Fort Randall Reservoir, S.Dak., undertaken in years 1947-52. It is not offered as a final work but is essentially a summary progress report of reconnaissance and excavation of several historic sites in this area. The work has been conducted as a part of the Inter-Agency Archeological and Paleontological Salvage Program under the direction of Dr. Frank H. H. Roberts, Jr., Bureau of American Ethnology,...

River Basin Surveys Papers, No. 17: The Excavation and Investigation of Fort Lookout Trading Post II (39LM57) in the Fort Randall Reservoir, South Dakota (1960)
DOCUMENT Full-Text C. F. Miller.

The purpose of this paper is to report on the archeology of the multiple components of Site 39LM57 in South Dakota, for which Mr. Mattes has provided the historical background in River Basin Surveys Paper No. 15. Starting in the uppermost level were the remains of Fort Lookout II, probably established in 1831 by the French Fur Trading Co. and subsequently occupied, 1840-51, by the trader La Barge. Below them were traces of two prehistoric aboriginal horizons. The excavations were carried on in...

River Basin Surveys Papers: Inter-Agency Archaeological Salvage Program, No. 15-20 (1960)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Merrill J. Mattes. John E. Mills. Carl F. Miller. G. Hubert Smith. Robert L. Stephenson. Carlyle S. Smith. Alan R. Woolworth. W. Raymond Wood.

In the present volume of River Basin Surveys papers there are six reports pertaining to a phase of the Inter-Agency Archaeological Salvage Program which thus far has not been given as much publicity as some of the other activities. The articles deal with a series of historic sites investigations which were carried. on in the Fort Randall and Garrison Reservoir areas and in the spillway area below the Oshe Dam. The field investigations were based on extensive documentary studies which were made...